
What is the definition of a religion?

What criteria do I use to define a Christian religion?

Christian Religions or Denominations

List and descriptions of various Christian religions. I define Christian religions as those that teach Jesus Christ is the only God and the only path to salvation.

OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true" OnMouseOver="window.status='orthodox'; return true" target="_new">

          Orthodox Churches






          Church of Christ

          Seventh-day Adventists





          Comparison Table

Non Christian Religions and Cults

List and descriptions of the major Non Christian religions, some can be considered Cults. I define Non-Christian Religions as those that do not consider Jesus Christ to be the only God and the only path to salvation.



          Nation of Islam

          Bahai World Faith


          Transcendental Meditation


          Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism

          Hare Krishna


          Jehovah's Witnesses

          Christian Science


          New Age

          Unification Church

          Unity School of Christianity


          Masons and Shriners