Hope For Children Projects

The needs of the children in Moi’sbridge Kenya have been assessed and cost estimates have been made. Projects have been created to address the needs for the remainder of 2011 and all of 2012.
The projects estimates always reflect the remaining amount of funding required. They are updated quarterly and if necessary monthly.

Projects are coordinated with Aid2Africa. This means that the estimates of remaining funds required reflect funding obtained by both Hope For Children and Aid2Africa. We work closely together.

It is our prayer to find benefactors to own entire projects. There are projects of all sizes. If your donation is not made to a specific project we will allocate the funds to the greatest need at the time.

Summary of all Projects

Nutrition and Health2012
200 Mosquito Nets $2,000
Basci Health Checkups - All Children$1,000
Three First Aid Kits$300
Daily Meals (Two) $8,300
Holiday Meals - Christmas/Easter$1,000
Sub Total$13,600

New School Construction
Additional rooms this year $10,000
Classroom furnishings$400
Electricity for school$5,000
Security fence and gates $1,100
Sub Total$16,500

School Operations
Teacher salaries $7,600
Maintenance and repairs$300
Utilities - Electricity$500
Exam and registration fees$1,000
School supplies$3,000
Educational Trip$500
Sub Total$12,900

Living Conditions
Construction of Children's home #2$16,000
Furnishings Children's home #2$400
Operating the Children Homes$2,300
School - Water pump and tank$200
Children's Clothing$2,500
Emergency expenses - Vulnerable Children$300
Sub Total$21,700

Sustainable Income
Farming 20 acres - Maize/Beans $10,000
Fruit Trees - Planting and Care$200
Sub Total$10,200
Total All Projects$74,900

Please Help

"We make sure every penny is spent to help the children"

You May Donate By Credit Card or Paypal


Mail Your Donation to:

Hope For Children Suite E21
28283 Center Ridge Rd.
Westlake, Ohio 44145

See Detailed Projects:

Nutrition and Health

New School

School Operations

Living Conditions

Sustainable Income

Contact us